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James Street

Walk into the past with our carefully reconstructed James Streetscape. See for yourself what Wallaceburg was like circa 1925. As you pass down the street you will see many familiar faces... Brander's Drugs, O'Flynn and Burgess General Store, Colwell's 5¢ & 10¢ Store with its Toy Department, as well as some with which you may not be so familiar. 

Brander’s Drugstore was opened in 1888, and was run by three generations of the Brander Family. It was one of the most successful and trusted businesses that has ever existed in Wallaceburg. Mr. A.P. Brander (son of the original owner) was president of the Chamber of Commerce and served as Wallaceburg's Mayor from 1939 to 1942 during the crucial post war recovery. The business was eventually taken over by Peter Spalding. Two years later, it was moved and re-named Spalding’s Pharmacy.

The Medical Section is equipped with a dental display from the office of Dr. A.G. Campbell. Also, various exhibits of equipment from the Sydenham District Hospital and Doctor’s offices.

Recently added to the James Street display is The Wallaceburg News/Colwell's Book Store and Shaw's Hardware. Did you know that over the years, 13 newspapers have called Wallaceburg home? Can you remember when Joe and Dorothy Shaw owned a local hardware store? Swing by the museum today to see a replica of these historic buildings and learn more about your community's history. 

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